Shuteria Wight & Arnott, Prodr.Fl.Pen.Ind.Or. 1:207. 1834. (conserved name); Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:181.1876; Cooke,Fl.Bomb. Pres. (reprint ed.) 1:384. 1958; Thuan in Adansonia 2,12(2):291-305.1972.
Climbing herbs. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate, stipules and stipels present. Inflorescence an axillary raceme, flowers paired or fasciculate on the axis. Bracts persistent, bracteoles small. Calyx tube gibbous, 2 upper teeth connate to the tip. Vexillum narrowed to the base, not auricled. Wings adhering to the keel. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, vexillary stamen free, anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled, style beardless, stigma capitate. Fruit linear, 2-valved, septate between the seeds.
A genus with five species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia, represented locally by 1 species.
Lower Taxon
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