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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae

Sinapis Linn., Sp. P1. 668. 1753. Gen, P1. ed. 5: 299. 1754; Boiss., l.c. 394; Schulz in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 235; Sinskaya in Kom., l.c. 467; Hedge in Davis, l.c. 266; in Rech. f., l.c. 37.

Sinapis arvensis

Credit: Shaukat

Annual (rarely biennial) herbs with simple hairs, erect, branched. Leaves pinnatifid or deeply dissected, lower shortly petioled, upper sessile or almost so. Racemes many flowered, often bracteate below, increasing in length in fruits. Flowers usually large, yellow, pedicellate with pedicels ± spreading in fruit. Sepals subequal but not saccate at the base, oblong, subspreading. Petals obovate with claw usually shorter than the limb. Stamens 6; filaments linear. Lateral nectar glands abruptly prismatic, often bilobed; middle glands semiglobose. Ovary cylindrical, short, 4-17-ovuled; beak portion about as long or longer than ovary, about as broad and tapering towards the apex with sub-bilobed stigma. Siliquae short, subcylindrical or linear-cylindrical, few seeded; each valve 3-7 coarsely veined; beak often long, 0-9-seeded, coarsely 3 or more veined; septum submembranous, thick walled; seeds spherical, uniseriate, brown; cotyledons conduplicate.

Distinguished from Brassica by its 3-7 veined valves.

About 10 species, chiefly in the Mediterranean region; only 2 species are found in our area, either as weeds of cultivation or sometimes cultivated for fodder.

1 Beak equal or longer than the valves of the siliqua, much compressed, ensiform, usual¬ly seedless; seeds 1-4 in each locule; pedicel somewhat spreading, thin   Sinapis alba
+ Beak much shorter than the valves of the siliqua, often conical, tetragonous, not much compressed, usually 1-2-seeded; seeds 3-7 in each locule; pedicel erect, thick   Sinapis arvensis

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