13. Spergularia J. & C. Presl, Fl. Cechica. 94. 1819. Boiss., F1. Or. 1:732.1867; P. Monnier in Bull. Soc. Nat. Phys. Mane 25:145-163.1955; J. A. Ratter in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 144:29.1980.
Annual or perennial herbs, usually with a woody base. Stems ± erect or decumbent. Leaves linear, opposite and decussate. Short stemmed leaf fascicles present in the leaf axils, the leaves thus appearing whorled. Stipules scarious, connate. Sepals 5. Petals 5. Stamens 1-10. Styles 3. Capsule dehiscing by 3 valve Seeds often winged.
A cosmopolitan genus of 40 species, mostly of saline and sandy habitat. Represented in Pakistan by 3 species, distributed, more or less throughout the plains, but absent from the northern areas.
1 |
Seeds all winged. Stamens 10. Sepals usually more than 4 mm. Capsule more than 6 mm long |
1 Spergularia media |
+ |
Seeds all unwinged or dimorphic-winged and unwinged. Stamens less than 10. Sepals usually less than 4 mm. Capsule 6 mm or less |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Capsule less than 3.5 mm, about equalling the sepals. Inflorescence with slender pedicels. Seeds unwinged, black or blackish brown |
3 Spergularia diandra |
+ |
Capsule more than 3.5 mm. Inflorescence with stouter pedicels. Seeds brown. unwinged or dimorphic |
2 Spergularia marina |
Lower Taxa
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