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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae

13. Spermadictyon Roxb., Pl. Coast Comm. 3: 32. t. 236. 1819.


  • Hamiltonia Roxb.

    Erect, trichotomously branched shrub, foetid when bruised, branches terete. Leaves opposite, petioled with many prominent lateral nerves; stipules intrapetiolar, acute, persistent. Inflorescence of trichotomously branched panicles or subumbellate cymes. Flowers generally white, fragrant, small with prominent persistent bracts and bracteoles. Calyx 5-lobed, ovoid, lobes subulate, persistent, often glandular, hairy or glabrous. Corolla infundibuliform, 5-lobed, tube longer than lobes, lobes valvate generally oblong. Stamens 5, inserted, filaments short, subulate, anthers obovate oblong. Ovary 5-loculed, 5-valved, outer coat free from 5 celled inner coat. Style filiform; stigma 5-cleft, linear. Capsule one-celled by abortion of septa, 5-seeded. Seeds uiquertrous, testa reticulate.

    A monotypic genus mainly distributed in Bangladesh, India, China and Pakistan.

    Lower Taxon

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