4. Spinacia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1027. 1753; Gen. P1. ed. 5. 452. 1754; Hook. f. F1. Brit. Ind. 5: 5. 1886; Kom., F1. URSS. 6: 75. 1936; Aellen in Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 48: 485. 1938; Aellen in Davis, F1.Turk. 2: 305. 1967; Girenko in Genetike i Selekcii 40: 28-36. 1968; Uotila in Rech. f., F1. Iran. 172: 59. 1997.
Herbs, dioecious, glabrous or mealy, with usually alternate, flat leaves. Male flowers 4-5-merous, in glomerules forming a dense spicate-paniculate inflorescence; stamens exserted; female flowers axillary, without perianth but with 2 (-4) persistent bracteoles which become enlarged, connate and hardened in fruit, stigmas 4-5, protruding; seeds vertical.
A small genus of 3 species in Central & West Asia, represented by 2 species in Pakistan.
1 |
Segments of fruiting bracteoles free, with or without spiny outgrowths (cultivated). |
1 S. oleracea |
+ |
Segments of fruiting bracteoles united into spiny corniculate aggregates; (cauline leaves of pistillate plants distinctly petiolate). |
2 S. turkestanica |
Lower Taxa
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