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Pakistan V. 182 Login | eFloras Home | Help
Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 182 | Pinaceae | Abies

Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Spach,, Hist. Veg. Phan. 11:422. 1842; H.Riedl, 1.c.2.

  • Pinus spectabilis D. Don
  • Pinus webbiana Lindl

    Similar to above species, but smaller trees with branches ± spreading, pubescent‑hairy, shoots and shorter cones.

    Type: in alpine Gossainthan, W.S. Webb.

    This taxon may only be a high altitude form of Abies pindrow. More collections and field study is required.,; Distribution: Afghanistan, Himalayas from Chitral eastward to C. Nepal.


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