Juniperus communis L. var. saxatilis Pallas, Fl. Ross., 1 (2):12, t. 4. 1788. (Fig. 4, E, F).
Common name: `bhentri~. Fl. Per.: April-May.
Juniperus communis auct. non L.: D. Don.
Dioecious, shrubby decumbent plant. Branches dense. Leaves in whorls of threes, 8‑12 x 2‑4 mm, subulate, pungent, jointed at base, ± curved to suberect. Male cones axillary, c. 8 mm long; Female cones solitary, 20 mm long, scales 3. Fruit subglobose, bluish‑black, 8‑12 mm broad. Seeds 2‑3, ovoid.
Type: Described from Dahuria (S. E. Siberia).
Differing from the type variety in the decumbent habit and recurved larger
leaves. Forms dense patches near the tree limit and up to 4200 m. Fruit medicinal; Distribution: Alpine and arctic Europe and Asia, N. Africa, N. America.
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