2. Corispermum tibeticum Iijin in Bull. Jard. Bot. Princ. URSS [Izv. Glav. Bot. Sada SSSR]. 28: 644. 1929; Kom., l.c. 153; R.R.Stewart, l.c. 222. (Fig. 16, A-E).
C. hyssopifolium auct. non L.: Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 9. 1886; C. ladakhianum Grey-Wilson & Wadhwa in Kew Bull. 42(2) : 471.1987.
Annual up to 25 (-40) cm in fruit, rather densely hairy, branched from base, the elongated lower branches ascending. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate or more rarely oblong-obovate, gradually narrowing towards base, obtuse or apiculate or acute at apex, the middle ones mostly somewhat falcate, ± fleshy, lower up to 10 x 5 mm. Inflorescence loose to fairly compact but relatively slender; bracts ovate, acuminate, broadly white-scarious margined, completely covering or very slightly narrower though longer than the fruit. Perianth of 1 segment, ± rounded, almost truncate and toothed at apex. Stamens 1-5. Fruit glabrous, oval to oblong-oval, 3-4 x 2-2.5 mm, ± broadly triangular, tapering at summit, with slightly convex outer face and slightly concave inner face, glabrous and somewhat lustrous, winged; wings semi-transparent, yellowish, slightly crenate to entire, 1/6-1/3 as broad as the darker olivaceous kernel.
Type: Described from Karakorum (LE).
Distribution: C. Asia (Pamir), Tibet, Pakistan and Kashmir.