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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 204 | Chenopodiaceae | Halocnemum

1. Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3: 3. 1819; Boiss., l.c. 936; Kom., l.c. 171. pl. 8.fig. 4; Zohary, l.c. 155. fig. 223; Jafri & EI-Gadi, l.c. fig. 19; Ball, l.c.; Aellen, l.c. 320; Hedge, l.c. 126. (Fig.18. A-E).

Salicornia strobilacea Pall., Reise 1: 481, tab. B, fig. 1-2. 1771; Forssk., Fl. Aeg.- Arab. 2. 1775.

Small shrub, usually forming clumps, 20-60 cm, sub-erect to prostrate, much branched, glabrous, yellowish green, branches monoliform with short thick, globular to short and oblong branches; internodes short, cylindrical to club-shaped ending in 2, c. 1 mm long, obovate, ± obtuse, scarious - margined leaves, connate at base, often subtending short, sterile globular, bud-like branches, with 4 rows of very short, rounded sessile, leaves. Bracts of flower clusters reniform sub-orbicular, shed after flowering. Spicate inflorescences short lateral and terminal, sessile, opposite, cone-like or globular to oblong; perianth c. 1.5 mm. Seed c. 0.5-1 mm, compressed, brown, smooth to minutely tuberculate.

Fl. Per.: May - September.

Type: Described from the northern Caspian area: “Proceriorem (Halostachys caspica) et Salicorniae caspicae subparem versus mare cum eadem promiscue crescentem inven.”.

Distribution: Mediterranean region, C. & W. Asia, Arabia, Iran to Pakistan and Mongolia.

Probably undercollected (cf. Freitag in Ali & Ghaffar, eds., Plant Life of S. Asia 87. 1991). A plant of saline and marshy coastal areas, forming rounded clumps; sometimes grazed by camel and sheep and considered a source of potash.


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