1. Microgynoecium tibeticum J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 5: 9. 1886; Kung & Tsien, l.c. 21.
A small annual branched from base, sometimes erect up to 8-25 cm long. Leaves 6-12 x 5-7 mm, ovate-broadly ovate-spathulate, acute or obtuse, cuneate at base, entire-3 lobed, 4-15 mm, long-petiolate. Staminate flowers in leaf axils, perianth up to 0.8 mm long, brownish, stamens 1-4, long-exserted. Pistillate flowers: perianth very small.
Fl. Per.: June.
Syntypes: Western Tibet: Topedunga, north of Kumaon, Strachey & Winterbottom; Sikkim; at Tungu, alt. 12. - 14000 ft., J.D.Hooker.
Distribution: As the genus.
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