9. Salsola paulsenii Litvinov in Izv. Turkestansk. Otd. Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. 4,5: 28. 1905; (Fig. p. 28) Kitamura, Fl. Afgh. 105. 1960.
S. pellucida Litv. in Sched. Herb. Fl. Ross. 8: 2434. 1922.
The type subspecies has a more northern distribution (Aralo-Caspian, N Irano-Turanian, W Central Asiatic) and differs by more robust habit, coarser and more spiny leaves, slightly longer anthers and in phenology.
Holotype: [Uzbekistan] Turkestania, Dominium Buchara, in arenosis pr. Farab ad fl. Amu Dar´ya, 14.9.1903, Androssov & Kelow, HFR 1431; (LE!), iso- (C!, G!, H!, W!).
Lower Taxon
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