Gouffeia holosteoides C. A. Mey.
Annual herb up to 40 cm tall. Stems simple or branched, weak, sterile, decumbent to ascending or ± erect, glabrous to glandular-papillose. Leaves 15-70x 0 mm, lanceolate to linear or oblanceolate, usually the surfaces glabrous, ± glandular, margin scabrid, apex acute, base sessile. Bracts similar to leaves, but smaller: Inflorescence paniculate, spreading. Calyx campanulate. Sepals 5-7 mm, lanceolate, acute, glandular. Petals white, about 2/3rd the length of sepals, entire or retuse at apex. Capsule included in the persistent calyx. Seed c. 2 mm in diameter, shallowly canaliculate, finely tuberculate.
Fl. Per.: April-July.
Type: Caucasia, in montibus Talusch prope pagum Swant, C. A. Meyer (LE).
Distribution: Iran, Caucasus, Turkey, Afghanistan, Chitral eastward to Kumaon, Nepal, W. Tibet, Mongolia, N.W. China.
Widely distributed and common as a field weed from 1820-3960 m.