Ranunculus munroanus var. minor Tamura
Perennial 5-15 (-20) cm high, with fibrous and fleshy, short cylindrical roots. Stems erect or ascending, slender, flaccid, simple, sparsely villous especially in the upper part. Basal leaves with flaccid, long, petioles (up to 7 cm or more), blade blabrous, reniform, trilobite for about 2/3. lobes broadly obovate, sometimes with one deeper incision, up to 25 mm wide. Stem leaves with shorter petioles, otherwise similar, the uppermost smaller. Peduncles acillary, 1-5 cm, hairy. Flowers 8-10 mm wide, yellow. Sepals 5, 3 (-4) mm long, patent, oblong to oblong-ovate, navicular, obtuse or subacute, glabrous. Petals obovate, 4-5 mm long, brodly rounded to cuneate. Achenes 1 mm broad, glabrous, slightly compressed, forming a globose head, inserted on a glabrous ovoid receptacle. Style short, ± triangular.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Lectotype: Kashmir, pr. Sheshnag, ad road saxorum 12500, Leg. Drummond 14173 (K!).
B-7 Hazara: Siran vy., Duthie 19086 (RAW), Saiful Muluk, Shaukat Ali 46 (RAW), nr. Batal, 4500, Siran vy., E. Nasir, M.A. Siddiqi & Z. Ali 4430 (RAW), Kashmir: B-8 Bedori, R.R. Stewart & E. Nasir 23973 (RAW), Dhuli, 18.4.1952, R.R. Stewart & E. Nasir s.n. (RAW).
Distribution: Kashmir, Paksitan.
Found in damp crevices, rocks from 1400-4250 m.