Perennial, 15-50 cm high, simple or with a few branches near the terminal inflorescence. Stem erect, glabrous or sometimes with a few glands, smooth or indistinctly striate. Leaves usually with a very short petiole or sessile, 2-3-pinnate, ovate in outline, leaflets small, 1-5 mm long and wide, ovate to broadly ovate often profoundly 3-lobate or entire, with a rounded or rarely a cordate base. Inflorescence a short, few-flowered panicle, leafy. Flowers purplish-green, small. Bracts lobate. Pedicels 5 (-10) mm, erect. Sepals 4, 2.5 (-3) mm, broadly obovate to suborbicular. Stamens 6-10, filaments whitish, 3-5 mm, filiform, anthers c. 1 mm, mucronulate, yellowish. Carpels 6-12, at maturity long stalked, compressed, narrowly winged, glabrous or with a few glands laterally with prominent ribs. Style short, subulate, straight or curved, persistent, covered by a stigma for its whole length.
Fl. Per.: August-September.
Type: Kumaon, Robert Blinkworth (Wall. 4728, Lecto. LIV).
B-7 Hazara: Kagan, Chapran, 26.7.99, Duthie s.n. (RAW), Kaghan, Arshad Ali 430 (RAW), id., 11000', M. Arshad Ali 430 (RAW), Musa-Ka-Musalla, 11000', M.A. Ali 430 (RAW), Shahdul Gali, below Musa-Ka-Musalla, Y. Nasir & Khan 970 (RAW).
Distribution: Pakistan, Kashmir eastward to Bhutan, Assam, Tibet.
In Pakistan found in Chitral and Hazara district from 3300-4300 m.