Thalictrum vaginatum Royle
Perennial, 15-60 cm high. Stern erect or ascending, branched, sometimes slightly flexuous, glandular-pubescent or glabrescent, smooth or striate. Leaves sessile or subsessile, ovate, 3 pinnate, with a ribbed sheath, leaflets 3-10 (-15) x 2-10 mm, obovate or suborbicular, rounded or obliquely tru ncate at base, terminal leaflet sometimes 3-lobed, others dentate or serrate-dentate, teeth usually entire, acuminate or acute, upper side deep green, lower side glaucous, glandular, scabridulous especially along the veins. Inflorescence consisting of few-flowered, lateral racemes in the axis of the upper leaves and a terminal partially leafy, few-flowered, often subcorymbose panicle. Bracts ternate or simple, lanceolate to linear. Pedicels spreading, 10-30 mm long. Flower not seen. Mature carpels spindle shaped, 3-4 x 1 mm, ventral suture less distinctly convex than dorsal suture, with 5-6 prominent, mostly simple ribs, glandular. Style straight, covered by the stigma for its whole length, persistent.
Fl. Per.: July.
Type: Rogee in Kunawar, Royle (LIV).
Chitral: A-7 Ishkoman, Bowes Lyon s.n. (E,RAW) Gilgit: Babusar Village, M.A. Siddiqi & Y. Nasir 2827 (RAW), Baltistan: B-8 below Burzil Chauki, R.R. Stewart 1955 A (KUH), B-9 above Chogolisa, ± 14000', E. Nasir & G.L. Webster 6131 (RAW), Shigar, W. Koelz 9732 (RAW), Parkutta-Tolti, R.R. Stewart 20930 (RAW), Kasurmik-Daghoni, R.R. Stewart 20786 (RAW), Kashmir: B-8 Gudai-Gurais, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 4283 (RAW), Sharda-Kel. R.R. & I.D. Stewart 17789 (RAW), Minimarg, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 22119 (RAW), Gulteri, Shingo vy., 7.8.1946, R.R. Stewart s.n. (RAW), id., R.R. & I.D. Stewart 22209 (RAW), above Waziri Thal, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 18540 (RAW), Chorwan, R.R. Stewart 19707, 19631A (RAW), below Burzil, R.R. Stewart 19755 (RAW), Aliabad, R.R. Stewart 13966 (RAW), Kel-Taubat, R.R. Stewart 17843 (RAW).
Distribution: Europe to N. Asia, Himalaya, China, Japan.
Our plants generally differ from the European in being glandular-pubescent and not glabrous. Found from 3000-4000 m.