Annual, very small and tender herb, 2-4 cm long in fruits, simple rarely branched above; stem filiform, often interlaced with many plants growing together, procumbent or ascending, few leaved (3-5 only), without a basal rosette of leaves. Leaves often below the raceme only with lower part of the stem remaining leafless or 1-leaved, 5-10 (-12) mm long, 2-3 mm broad, elliptic-oblong, entire to 1-3-dentate, pubescent with short, branched (almost stellate) hairs. Racemes 3-5-flowered, very lax, Flowers c. 1 mm across, white; pedicel often very elongated, about as long to twice as long as the siliculae, filiform. Sepals c. 1 mm long. Petals about as long as the sepals, apex almost entire. Siliculae c. 5 (6) mm long, 2.5 (-3) mm broad, oblong-elliptic, flattened or compressed, apex as well as base rounded, pubescent with short, substellate hairs; septum not veined; seeds 6-8 in each locule, C. 0.5 mm long, ovate, brown.
Fl. Per.: July-Aug.
Type: Sikkim Himalaya, a weed in radish field, c. 5000 m, J.D. Hooker (K).
Distribution: Endemic to Himalayas and Tibet.
An interesting tiny species, more common in the central and eastern Himalayas.