Potentilla gelida subsp. borissii Sojak
Perennial, ± erect, glandulose herbs. Rootstock much divided, a little thickened and woody, covered with remains of dark brown leaf bases. Flowering stem ± erect, 10-20 cm long, generally naked, 3-7 flowers, minutely pubescent, glandulose. Leaves distichous at the base, alternate, petioles 4-7 cm long, pilose glandulose. Basal stipules broadly ovate acute, rusty brown membranous, upper green ovate, pilose glandulose, entire or divided. Leaflets variable in size, 0.6-2.0 x 0.5-1.7 cm, obovate-cuneate, obtusely serrate dentate, surfaces sparsely to densely pilose glandulose. Flowers terminal, 1.3-1.5 cm diam., yellow, pedicels 1.0-1.5 cm, densely pilose glandulose. Calyces pilose glandulose, outer smaller elliptic-ovate obtuse, inner longer ovate acute. Petals exceeding c. 7-8 mm long, emarginate. Carpels numerous, styles 0.6- c. 1.0 mm long, subterminal, clavate.
Fl. Per.: June-August
Type: In regione alpine Caucasi occidentalis-Kasbek, C.A. Meyer (LE).
A-7 Chitral Dist., south Barum glacier, 4,500 ft, P. Wendelbo 4-7-1950 (O), A-8 Gilgit, base camp 13 miles E of Nagar, 15,580 ft, earthy slopes, lateral moraine, flowers yellow, O. Polunin 6123 (BM, B), Mekerun, Hispar glacier, 13,500 ft, moist area on broken rocks, R. Scott Russell 1456 (BM), on moraines of Sanayar glacier between 11,150 & 13,500 ft, W.M. Conway 37 (K), B-7 Mansehra Dist., Kaghan Valley, Babusar Pass, 13-14,000 ft, 5-8-1958, A.R. Beg (RAW), Gittidas, 5,008 m, F. Schmid 407 (G), B-8 Baltistan, Baintha, Hans Hartmann 809 (RAW, Z), Deosai Plains, ± 4,000 m, an erect perennial herb, flowers yellow, common, Muqarrab Shah & Jamshed 252 (ABD), Ultar Nullah, 2,600-3,250 m, F. Schmid 1889 (G), Kashmir, Vishensar, 11,500 ft. near Srinagar, 4-7-1978, C.R. Lancaster (BM), Apharwat above Gulmarg, R.R. Stewart 14815 (US), Ladakh, valley above Stock, turf among rocks in valley below glacier, 4,570 m., Janet Maxwell 100 (E).
Distribution: Russia (Siberia, Tienshan, Pamir), China (Xinjiang), Mongolia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and India (Himachal Pradesh).
A highly polymorphic species in habit, size of leaves, length of styles and indumentum (sparse or dense). Fairly common in Pakistan (Gilgit and Baltistan) and Kashmir between 3,300-4,500 m. Generally found on earthy slopes.
The species can easily be recognized by its erect habit, distichous basal leaves and glandulose stem leaves and calyces. Its close relative are Potentilla doubjouneana and Potentilla turczaninowiana. Both differ in h aving a prostrate or ascending habit, polystichous basal leaves and are generally eglandulose.