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Pakistan | Family List | Rosaceae | Potentilla

31. Potentilla hololeuca Boiss., Fl. Orient. 2: 710. (1872). Lehm, Rev. Potent. T. 27: 1856, Th. Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 176. 1908, Juz. in Kom. Fl. URSS 10: 126. 1941, Schiman-Czeika in Rech. Fl. Iran. 66: 91. 1969, Pesmen in P. H. Davis, Fl. Turk. 4: 48. 1972, Sojak in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 106 (2): 169. 1986. (Fig. 6, F-I).

Muqarrab Shah

Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

Potentilla hololeuca

  • Potentilla flavida Sojak
  • Potentilla sericea var. hololeuca (Boiss.) Hook.f.

    Perennial ascending herbs. Rootstock divided, very much thickened, tufted, with dark-brown remains of scale leaves. Basal leaves 5-foliate with lower distant pair of leaflets, petioles 1-3 cm. long, floccose-tomentose. Basal stipules ferrugineus, auricles lanceolate, upper stipules ovate and green. Leaflets obovate, sessile, 8-12 x 6-8 mm., upper surface with both straight and floccose hairs, lower surface niveo-tomentose, margin serrate-dentate with 9-13 oblong obtuse teeth. Flowers 1-3, c. 1.5 cm. diam. Calyces densely sericeous, outer sepals narowly oblong obtuse, inner sepals ovate acute. Petals c.6 mm long, obcordate. Stamens about 25. Carpels numerous, styles c 1 mm long, thickened below, somewhat coniform, a little pappilose.

    Fl. Per.: July

    Holotype: Herb. In monte Demavend Persiae borealis alt. 6,500 ft., 1878, Kotschy 345 (G), Isotype (K, PR, W).

    A-7 Chitral, Laspur, S.A. Bowes Lyon 40 (BM), Churmarkhan Pass E. of Mastuj c 13,000 ft, on open slopes, J.D.A.Stainton 2911 (BM, RAW), B-9 Kashmir valley, Janet Maxwell 82 (E).

    Distribution: Turkey, Iran, Kyrgyzstan (Tien Shan), Pakistan, Kashmir and China.

    A rare species found in the drier regions of northern Pakistan (Chitral dist.) & upper Kashmir valley between 4,000 and 4,500 m.


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