Potentilla dealbata Bunge
Perennial, ascending or prostrate herbs. Rootstock divided. Stem 10-25 (-40) cm long, ± naked, adpressed pilose. Basal leaves few, 5-foliate, petioles 3-6 cm long, adpressed pilose. Basal stipules membranous, brown, pilose, auricles linear-lanceolate, cauline stipules oblong-ovate, green, Leaflets deeply divided nearly to the midrib, lobes obovate approximate obtuse, subcoriaceous, 3-4 mm long, sparsely adpressed pilose above, dull white tomentose below. Flowers few, 1-1.3 cm diam. Calyces densely tomentose, outer oblong obtuse, inner ovate acute. Petals 4-5 x 3-4 mm, yellow. Stamens about 20. Carpels numerous, styles 0.8-1.0 mm long, subterminal, clavate.
Type: at PR.
Lehman (l. c.) has given no info rmation about the locus classicus or collector etc.
B-8 Baltistan, Kande, E. side on dry siliceous soil, 2,900 m, Austrian Karakorum Expedition 1970, no.1008 (W), B-9 Kashmir, Ladakh Range, Tog, W. Koelz 6363 (MICH, US), Namika, W. Koelz 6205(G, MICH) , Likir, W. Koelz US, Leh, edges of streams, R.C. Clifford 7 (K), Panichar, W. of u nion of Suru and Chalang Nar Rivers, moist loam soils, ± 2,900 m, Southampton Uni. Expedition 26 (K).
Distribution: Kazakhtan, Pamir, Pakistan, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
The species is fairly common in Kashmir, rare in Pakistan, Found on sandy river and stream banks from 2,900 – 3,300 m.
It is distinctive in its deeply dissected leaflets with obtuse lobes and claviform styles. Some pentafoliate dwarf forms of Potentilla ornithopoda tausch. Resemble Potentilla virgata in appearance but these forms have distant lower pairs of leaflets, acute lobes and coniform, longer styles.