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Pakistan | Family List | Rosaceae | Sibbaldia

1. Sibbaldia perpusilloides (W.W. Smith) Hand.-Mazz. in Symb. Sin. 7: 520. 1933. Fletcher in Notes Roy.Bot. Gard, Edinb. 20:217. 1950, Hara & Ohashi., Fl. East. Himal. 3:53.1975, Rajput et al. in Pak. J. Bot., 29 :1 :13. 1997, Dikshit & Panigrahi, Rosaceae Ind. 4:255. 1998, L. Chaoluan, H. Ikeda & H. Ohba, l. c. 331. 2003. (Fig.16, A-D).

Muhammad Tahir M. Rajput and Syeda Saleha Tahir

Institute of Botany, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

Sibbaldia perpusilloides

Credit: M. Rafiq

  • Potentilla perpusilloides W.W. Smith
  • Sibbaldia glabriuscula T.T. Yu & C.L.Li

    Glabrous or slightly tomentose, caespitose, prostrate herb. Leaves trifoliolate and palmate, petioles 3-15 mm long, tomentose, stipule, 1.5-5.0 x 1.5-3 mm. Leaflets, 3-6 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, sessile or petiolulate, petiolules not articulated at the base, blades obovate with spreading hairs wh en young, becoming glabrescent at maturity, veins distinct. Flowers solitary, 5-merous, perfect, borne on ebracteate pedicels, pedicels 3-5 mm long, tomentose. Epicalyx lobes 5, 1.5-2.2 x c. 0.3, linear to oblong-lanceolate, acute. Sepals 5, broadly deltoid, 2-2.2 x 1.2-1.6 mm, acute or acute-acuminate, apices glandular, surfaces glabrous adaxially, glabrous or sparsely tomentose abaxially. Petals 5, white to creamy 2.7-4 mm long, 2.5-3.2 mm wide, elliptical to spathulate, with rounded to emerginate apices. Stamens 10, filaments 0.5-0.8 mm long, anthers elliptical, c.0.5 x c.0.3 mm. Disc lobed to circular, 2.5-3.0 mm across. Carpels 19-22, ± obovoid, glabrous c.0.5 x c.0.3 mm, style flattened, ca. 0.2 mm long, lateral, usually not terminated by a capitate stigma. Achenes, 1.2-2.0 x 1-1.2 mm, brown, reniform to ovoid, glabrous, with a rough to smooth surface.

    Fl.Per.: June-October

    Lectotype: Sikkim, Zemmu Valley, 4270 m, 13 July, 1909, Smith & Cave 1383a (CAL). (Dikshit & Panigraphi, J. Orissa Bot. Soc. 3(1): 31-36. 1981).

    We have not seen any specimen from Pakistan. Our observations are based on the material collected close to the border of Pakistan and Kashmir.

    Distribution: Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and China (Xizang and Yunnan).

    On rocky or stony alpine slopes and meadows alt. 1300-1500 m.

    Sibbaldia perpusilloides can be distinguished from other species of Sibbaldia by its almost glabrous nature and its habit. It shares a moss or cushion-l ike habit with Sibbaldia tetrandra but Sibbaldia tetrandra is densely tomentose plant with mostly 4- merous flowers.


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