Sida holosericea Wind. ex Sprengel
Erect, velvety undershrub, 20-120 cm tall. Branches, petiole and pedicel stellate pubescent mixed with simple, spreading hairs. Leaves stipulate, stipule 2-6 mm long, filiform, stellate hairy; petiole 0.5-3 cm long, stellate tomentose; blade 1-4.5 cm long, 0.7-3.5 cm broad, usually ovate, some what orbicular, or lanceolate, rounded or slightly cordate at base, acute at apex, crenate to serrate, on bath surface stellate pubescent, also mixed with simple hairs on the nerves beneath, velvety. Flowers axillary, solitary or paired or more in terminal branches; pedicel 4-7 mm, in fruit up to 2 cm long, jointed near the top. Calyx 5-10 mm long, 5-8 mm across, densely stellate tomentose outside and mixed with simple, spreading hairs, fused to the middle; lobes triangular or deltoid, acute to acuminate. Petals yellow, slightly exceeding the calyx, obliquely obovate. Staminal column c. 3 mm long, hairy or glabrous. Fruit discoid, 5-8 mm across, stellate pubescent in the upper half, dehiscent; mericarps 9-10, reticulate, radially 3-3.5 mm long, c. 2.5 mm broad, dorsally 2-2.6 mm broad, slightly grooved; awns 2, divergent. 3-5 mm long, retrorsely hairy. Seeds brown to dark brown, flattened, c. 2 mm long and broad, glabrous except hilum.
Holotype: Herb. Linn. n. 866.12 (LINN!).
Distribution: Common in tropical and subtropical countries.
In Pakistan it is common in Sind particularly in Tharparker district.