Pimpinella diversifolia DC., Prodr. 4:122. 1830. C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., l.c. 688; Hiroe, l.c. 67; Rech. f. & Riedl, l.c. 101.
Perennial, pubescent, up to 1 m tall. Basal leaves sometimes simple, undivid¬ed, ovate to cordate; margin serrate; cauline leaves pinnate; leaflets 3-5, lanceo¬late to oval or ovate, margin serrate to laciniate. Involucral bracts lacking. Rays 5-20, 1-2.5 cm long, pubescent. Involucel of 4-6 linear bractlets or lacking. Petals white, outer larger. Fruit ovate to ovoid, 2 mm long, glabrous to puberu¬lous or pubescent; ridges not prominent; furrows 2-3-vittate; commissure 4-vittate. Inner seed face plane.
Type: Describe from Sirmore, India or Nepal, Wallich 565 (K).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Himalayas in W. Pakistan and India extending to China and Japan.
A common and a very variable species found in the hills from 1500-3000 m.
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