10. Androsace robusta (Knuth) Handel-Mazzetti in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 15:279. 1927.
A robust stoloniferous perennial forming ± compact to loose mats. Stolons chestnut brown, villous and sparse glandulose, glabrate at length. Leaf rosettes 4–14 mm broad, 10–15 mm apart or closer. Leaves barely dimorphic, 4–9 (–11) x 1.5–2.8 mm, oblanceolate to lanceolate, obtuse, greyish-green, outermost leaves on drying brown or yellowish-brown. Hairs silky villous to villous, white or rusty in colour; longer hairs 0.4–1.9 mm long, appressed and villous towards the apex, shorter ones sparse and glandular-stipitate. Scape stout, 40–90 (–95) mm long, glandular-villous, (2–) 3–12-flowered, at length glabrate. Bracts 3.5–6.5 mm long, lanceolate, obtuse, glandular-villous, apex sometimes purplish tinged. Pedicel 2–6 mm long, slender, shorter and less often equalling the bracts. Flowers white with yellow eye (in older flowers the colour changes to pink with a red eye). Calyx 3–3.4 mm long 1/3 rd, to ½ cleft, glandular-villous; lobes triangular, obtusish, often tinged purplish. Corolla limb (6.5–) 7.5–10.5 mm broad; lobes obovate to suborbicular, 3–3.5 mm long, apex entire to ± undulate. Ovary globose-depressed. Style c. 1.1 mm long, stigma subcapitate. Capsule exceeding calyx, brownish-yellow, valves obtuse. Seeds 1–2 in number, 2–3 mm long, angled, brown-black, vesiculose.