Verbena nodiflora Linn.
Perennial, prostrate herb with somewhat woody rootstock, rooting at nodes, appressedly pubescent to glabrescent. Leaves oblanceolate, obovate to spathulate, somewhat fleshy, 5-40 mm long, 4-20 mm broad, serrate above, entire below, glabrous to appressedly pubescent, subsessile to sessile, obtuse, rarely subacute. Spikes 1-4.5 cm long, 6-8 mm broad, solitary, axillary, peduncled, appressedly pubescent to glabrous. Flowers very small, white, rarely pinkish, c. 3 mm long; bracts c . 2 mm long, mucronate or acuminate, imbricate. Calyx flattened, shorter than bracts, hyaline-membranous, deeply dissected with lanceolate lobes, pubescent. Corolla slightly exceeding the bracts, unequally 4-lobed with spreading lobes. Fruit ovate, c. 1.6 mm long, subcompressed, enclosed by the persistent calyx, separating at maturity into two, 1-seeded pyrenes.
Fl. Per. Throughout the year.
Type: Habitat in Virginia.
Distribution: Throughout tropical and subtropical regions.
Common in wet places almost throughout Pakistan plains, often in gregarious patches. Leaves and young shoots are sometimes used in curing indigestion in children; its decoction is considered as cooling agent and used as a demulcent in cases of venereal diseases.