1. Capsicum annuum L., Sp. Pl. 188. 1753. Duthie, Fl. Upp Gang. Pl. 2: 133. 1911; Bailey, Stand. Cyclop. Hort. 2: 659. 1919; Heiser & Pickersgill, in Econ. Bot. 7:214-227. 1953; Cooke, Fl. Presd. Bomb. Reprint. Ed. 2: 347. 1967.
Vern.: ‘hari or lal-mirch’.
Herb up to 1 m tall. Leaves oblong-ovate or broadly so; acute to acuminate. Flowers solitary, dull white, nodding after anthesis.
Type: “Hortus Cliff. 59 (BM), fide D’Arcy (in Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 60:591. 1974).
Distribution: Native to C. America. Widely cultivated elsewhere.
There are several varieties of the red and yellow ‘chillies’ grown both for ornamental and edible purposes. The more common ones cultivated in Pakistan are var. grossum (E.) Sendt. (Sweet or Bell pepper), var. cerasiforme Irish (Cherry pepper) with ± globular capsule and var. acuminate Fingerh (Red pepper or lal mirch) with elongated berry. Widely used to add spice to the food or as a vegetable. Also a source of Vitamin c.
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