12. Solanum seaforthianum Andrews, Bot. Rep. 8. t. 504. 1808. Bailey, Stand. Cyclop. Hort. 6: 3185. 1817; Parker, l.c. 358; Bor & Raizada, Beautiful Ind. Climbers & Shrubs. 127. 1954; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 644.
A shrubby climber with pinnate leaves; pinnate 5-9 in number; lobes elliptic-ovate, acute, base oblique. Flowers in terminal dropping panicles, blue to light purple. Calyx obscurely 5-toothed. Corolla limb 1.5-2.0 cm broad, lobes acute. Berry globose, c. 10 mm broad.
Type: Cultivated source. England ex W. Indies, Andrews, Bot. Rep. 8. t. 504. 1808. The drawings and paintings of H. C. Andrews were based on living specimens. According to Stephen & Cowan (Taxonomic Literature ed. 2.1: 49: 1976) no herbarium specimens are known to exist, hence the illustration (l.c.) is accepted here as the type.
Distribution: A native of Brazil, naturalised elsewhere.
The ‘Potato creeper’, according to Parker (l.c.) does well in the lower hills of the sub-himalayan tract, rather than the plains.
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