14. Solanum tuberosum L., Sp. Pl. 185. 1753. Bailey, Stand. Cyclops Hort. 6: 3181. 1917; R. R. Stewart, l. c. 645.
An erect, unarmed perennial herb, 60-90 cm tall. Stem tubers underground, of various shapes and sizes. Shoots pubescent. Leaves imparipinnate, segment pairs. 4-5. Flowers in terminal few-flowered, paniculate cymes, pink to white or light purple. Corolla limb ± 2.5 cm broad.
Fl. Per.: May-August.
Lectotype: Described from Peru. Hb. Linn. 248/12 (LINN).
Distribution: Native to the mountainous areas of Mexico, Chile and Peru (S. America). Cultivated throughout the world.
The ‘potato’ is widely cultivated for its edible tubers in Pakistan. Does well in hilly areas up to 3000 m. Several varieties and races are known. The plant parts (including the tubers) contain a poisonous alkaloid, solanine, which is soon lost on boiling the tubers; sprouting or green tubers should be ovoided for edible purposes. Apart from starch, the potato is also a rich source of protein and vitamin C. The berry is rarely produced.
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