Orobanche solmsii Clarke ex Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:325. 1884. Blatter, l.c., 70; Novopokr. in Kom., l.c. 81; Schi.-Czeika in Rech. f., l.c. 12, tab. 3, fig 2; R R. Stewart, l.c. 673.
Orobanche nikitinii Novopokr.
Biennial or perennial, (15-) 30-45 cm tall, often robust,c.2 cm thick below, pubescent pale yellowish-brown; scales 12-15 (-25) mm long, lanceolate. Spikes 10-20 (-25) cm long, dense. Bracts ± as long as or exceeding the flowers, narrow, lanceolate; bracteoles absent. Calyx half as long as the corolla, 2-segmented, each segment 2-fid to the middle with lanceolate teeth. Corolla usually 14-18 mm long, yellow, puberulous, curved with crenulate lobes. Stamens inserted down below the corolla tube; filaments and anthers glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule 5-6 (-7) mm long, oblong-ovoid.
Type: W. Himalaya, Kumaon at Tola, 11500 ft., Strachey & Winterbottom (K).
Distribution: Himalayas, Kashmir, Pakistan, Pamir-Alai, Turcomania.
Differs from Orobanche alba Steph. by its 2-fid calyx-segments and different corolla lips.
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