Phryma pubescens Rafin
Erect perennial herb with somewhat fleshy brownish root. Stem and branches quadrangular, articulated, lower portion puberulous-pilose, upper portion pilose especially at nodes. Leaves oval to elliptic ovate, coarsely serrate, acuminate, lower leaves abruptly narrowed at base with .1-3.5 cm long petiole and upper one: with 2-4 mm long petiole, lamina 3-10 cm long 1.5-5 cm broad, pilose hispid, 5-7 nerved. Inflorescence axillary and terminal spikes, 15-35 cm long, floral axis hispid. Flowers more commonly alternate, rarely opposite, sessile to sub-sessile. Bract linear minute¬ly hispid at the margin, 2-3 mm long, bracteoles minute. Calyx tubular, tube c. 4-5 mm long, sparcely hispid prominently 5 veined, bilabiate, the posterior 3 lobes subulate and hooked at the apex, c. 2 mm long, lower 2 short. Corolla bilabiate, 5-7 mm long, lower lip larger and spreading 3 fid, upper shortly bilobed, lobes rounded. Stamens inserted above the middle of the corolla tube, slightly excluded in fully opened flower; larger filament 1.5-2 mm long, shorter c. 1 mm long. Ovary oblong, less than 2 mm long; style 1, terminal, c. 2 mm long. Fruit enclosed by the per¬sistent deflexed calyx, c. 5 mm long, oblong, 5 nerved.
Fl. Per. May-July.
Type: N. America. Herb. Linn. no. 755/1 (LINN).
Distribution: North America, Canada, Japan, Nepal, India. and West Pakistan.
Not a very common plant in the hills of Kashmir and Murree, grows in damp shady places and woods from 1000 to 2300 in.