18. Artemisia moorcroftiana Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 6: 117. 1881; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 327. 1881; R.R.Stewart, Fl. Ladakh 645. 1916; Pamp. in Nuouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 34: 681. 1927; Fl. del Caracorum 212. 1930; R.R.Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 717. 1972; Tsiang & Li, Icon. Corm. Sin. 4: 537. fig. 6488. 1975.
Perennial, 40-50 cm tall, with suberect, sulcate, simple, sparsely ± arachnoid hairy, several stems from the horizontally creeping, c. 1 cm thick, woody rootstock. Leaves with up to 5 (-6) cm long petiole; lamina green and sparsely hairy above, greyish arachnoid hairy beneath, ovate-oblong, 5-8 x 3-4.5 cm, deeply 2-pinnatipartite into oblong, 1-2.5 cm long, primary segments with 1.5-2 mm wide, lanceolate, acute, ± remote ultimate or secondary segments; uppermost in lower floral region pinnatipartite and gradually smaller, absent among the raceme. Capitula heterogamous, hemispherical, 4-4.5 x 4-6 mm, sessile, in narrowly oblong, 15-20 x 1.5-2.5 cm, interrupted, contracted raceme-like panicle with 2-3 cm long, erect to somewhat appressed spicate branches. Involucre 3-seriate, phyllaries purplish, sparsely arachnoid hairy, outermost broadly ovate, c. 2.5 x 1.5 mm, margins not hyaline scarious, acute, inner subequal, 2.75-3 x c. 1.75 mm, broadly scarious with purplish lines, obtuse. Receptacle ± convex, glabrous. Florets 15-20, all fertile, purplish; marginal florets 5-6, with linear-tubular, c. 1.25 mm long, glandular, 2-dentate corolla and long-exserted purple style branches; disc-florets 9-15, bisexual, corolla clavate-tubular, c. 1.7 mm long, basally glandulose, apically very sparsely hairy, 5-toothed. Cypselas linear-oblong, c. 1.75 mm long, with terminal corolla scar, brown.
Fl. Per.: July – August.
Type: India Orientalis ad Laddak, Moorcroft.
Distribution: China, India and Pakistan.
This species resembles A. roxburghiana Wall. ex Besser but can be easily separated by its interrupted raceme-like panicle and larger achenes.