1. Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 945. 1879; Kom., l.c. 200, pl. 10. fig. 3; Ball, l.c. 104. (Fig. 24, A-D).
Schoberia baccifera C. A. Mey in Hohen., Enum. Talysch. 357. 1838; Bunge ex Trautv. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 40. (3): 64. 1867; Schanginia baccifera Fenzl in Ledeb., Fl.Ross. 4. 776. 1851, ex parte.
Annual, very succulent, glabrous herb, 10-40 cm tall, branching from the base, stem erect to ascending somewhat woody at base, becoming narrowly winged on the margins on drying, not turning black. Leaves linear-oblong, terete, entire, succulent, obtuse, lower 15-25 x 1.5-2.5 mm, adnate to some extent to the branches or wings of the stem so that they appear somewhat contiguous with stem, upper one ovate or subrounded, smaller. Flowers in axillary clusters, borne on short axes up to 3.5 (-5) cm long, in early fruits the wing-like rim of the fruiting perianth mostly confined to lateral ones, in the case of fall-produced fruits generally present; stamens not prominent; seeds rotund, 1.5 - 2.5 mm in diam., black glossy or almost tawny and dull.
Fl. Per.: September-October.
Type: Described from Iran. (LE).
Distribution: C. Asia, Caspian and Turkmenia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Iran and Pakistan (Baluchistan.).
A plant of gypsiferous solonchaks or highly saline sodic soil, growing in groups or in compact thickets; said to be a forage plant for camels.
Both the references of C. A. Meyer, cited above, are invalid because the first was based on Suaeda baccifera Pall. (1803) (=S. foliosa (L.) Schrad.), which are both distinct and separate species recognized in Komarov (l.c.). The next available Fenzl’s name is again confused because it is based on more than one taxon.