Limonia acidissima Linn., Sp. Pl. ed. 2.554. 1763. Hook. f., l.c.: Collett, Fl. Siml. 79.1902; Talbot, l.c.; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. 61.1918; Stewart, l.c.
Vern.: kaith bel.
Feronia elephantum Corr.Feronia limonia (Linn.) SwingleSchinus limonia Linn
Tree, c. 9 m tall. Spines axillary, c. 15 mm. Leaflets 5-7, 25-35 x 10-20 mm, obovate, subsessile, entire to obscurely crenulate, retuse, glandular-punctate. Petiole and rachis narrowly winged. Flowers dull red, fragrant. Petals elliptic, spreading. Filaments subulate, hairy at the base. Berry 5-9 cm in diameter. Seeds brown, woolly.
Fl. Per.: March-May.
Type: Described from India.
Distribution: India, Pakistan, Java and Sri Lanka.
The “wood apple” or ‘kaith bel’ is found wild in the Salt Range (Stewart, l.c.), but is frequently cultivated in the plains. The leaves smell of aniseed. The pulp of the fruit is used in the treatment of diarrhoea.
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