Tunica stricta (Bunge) Fisch. & Mey.
Erect annual herb up to 50 cm tall, glabrous. Stems slender, branched. Leaves 12-22 (-30) x 2-2.5 (-4) mm, oblong-lanceolate, margin scabrid, apex acute, 1-veined; lower leaves usually broader. Bracts linear, not enclosing the calyx. Inflorescence a congested panicle. Pedicel up to 30 mm. Calyx 2.5-4 mm, campanulate, teeth acute or mucronate, 5-nerved. Petals white, 3-6 mm, oblong, entire, exceeding the calyx. Capsule c. 5 mm, oblong-ovoid, exserted from the calyx. Seeds brown, 0.7-1 x 0.4-0.8 mm, ovate, reticulate-tuberculate with facial hilum.
Fl. Per.: May-June. Fr. Per.: July.
Type: Described from W. Siberia, from Irtysh River (LE).
Distribution: S.W. and Soviet Central Asia, (Syr Darya, Pamir Alai Tien Shan,) Iran, Turkey, Caucasus, Pakistan.
Common on gravelly banks from 2000-3000 m.