20. Silene nana Kar. & Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 15:169. 1842. Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:581.1867; Rohrb. Monogr. der Gatt. Silene 157.1868; Schbchk. in URSS. 6:682.1936; Burkill, Work. List of the Fl. Pl. of Baluch. 11.1908; E. Nasir in Biologia. 5:70.1959; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & 252.1972.
Dwarf annual, 3-6 cm tall. Stem erect to ascending, slender, glabrous. Leaves basally crowded, 2-3-pairs on the flowering stem, 8-12 x 3-5 mm, lanceolate. All leaves with long white hairs. Flowers solitary. Calyx 7-9 mm, cylindrical, clavate, inflated in fruit, membranous, glabrous; teeth triangular, acute, ciliate. Petals white, c. 10 mm, limb slightly bilobed; claw auriculate. Coronal scales oblong. Carpophore 2.5 mm, glabrous. Capsule c. 10 mm, ovoid, partially exserted from the calyx.
Fl. Per.: April-May.
Type: (USSR & Asia): Described from Sassyk-Pastan, Kazakstan (Holo. MHA; iso. LE).
Distribution: Iran, S.W. Pakistan (Baluchistan), Soviet Central Asia (Lake Balkash area, Kara-Kum & Kyzyl-Kum).
Not common in Baluchistan. Grows in sandy, rocky places at ± 1670 m.