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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Vaccaria

Vaccaria hispanica (Miller) Rauschert in Feddes Rep. 73:52. 1966.


  • Saponaria amplicimus Millen
  • Saponaria hispanica Miller
  • Saponaria oxydonta (Boiss.) Boiss.
  • Saponaria vaccaria L.
  • Vaccaria oxydonta Boiss.
  • Vaccaria pyramidata Medik

    Erect herb. Stems up to 50 cm tall; yellow-green. Leaves 25-70 x 4-20 mm, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, base sessile, clasping the stem above. Inflorescence a spreading panicle, with the flowers borne in 3-7-flowered dichasia. Pedicel slender. Calyx 10-15 (-16) mm, cylindric, slightly contracted below the teeth, glabrous; teeth triangular, with a scarious margin and apex with 5 Prominent veins and yellowish-green wings between them. Petals pink, 15-20 nun, limb entire or irregularly dentate above, claw partially exserted. Capsule 8-10 mm, subglobose, included in the calyx. Seed c. 2 mm diameter, subglobose, black.

    Fl. Per.: Feb. –March. Fr. Per.: April.

    Type: Described from specimen cultivated at Chelsea garden.

    Common as a weed in cultivated fields, in chitral, Swat, Hazara, Punjab and Baluchistan.


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