1. Halimocnemis occulta (Bunge) Hedge in Rech f., Fl. Iran. 172: 341. 1997.
Halotis occulta Bunge in Mem. Acad. Imp. Sc. Petersb. 7, sér. 4, 11: 74. 1862; Assadi in Iran. J. Bot. 2: 132. fig. 2. 1984.
Similar to the following genus but ± robust, bracteoles broadly ovate acuminate, anther appendage ovate-oblong, slightly exceeding the anthers, purple; perianth segments usually 5.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: Iran. In. collibus salsis inter Tun et Birdschand, haud procul a pago Afselalad, A. von Bunge & T. Bienert (LE).
Distribution: Iran & (?)Pakistan.
The above specimen has not been seen and is a doubtful record; it may be based on a misidentification of a Halocharis species.
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