23. Artemisia laciniata Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 1843. 1803; DC., Prodr. 6: 110. 1837; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 326. 1881; Pamp. in Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 34: 671. 1927 - pro parte; Poljakov in Schischk. & Bobrov, Fl. USSR 26: 473. 1961; R. R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 716. 1972; Tutin in Tutin et al., Fl. Europ. 4: 182. 1976; Fu Hiang-Chian in Ma Yu Chuan, Fl. Intramong. 6: 148. 1982.
Perennial shrublet with several, upright, up to 50 – 60 (-90) cm tall, sparsely hairy and branched in upper part, ribbed stems from horizontally creeping to obliquely rising, ± woody rootstock. Leaves pitted glandular and glabrous-green or sparsely hairy above, densely hairy beneath, long petioled, exauriculate at the base, lamina oblong-elliptic, 3 – 12 x 1.5 – 5 (-8) cm, 2 -3-pinnatisect into oblong to very narrowly elliptic or lanceolate-linear, 4 – 5 x c. 1 mm, entire or serrate ultimate segments; upper leaves shortly petiolate to almost sessile; uppermost in the floral region unipinnatisect to entire, linear. Capitula many to numerous, shortly recurved pedunculate, broadly campanulate, c. 3 x 3 – 5 mm, approximate or not, nodding in a narrow or wide, 10 – 15 x 4 – 8 cm, slightly to much branched or simple panicle. Involucre 3-4-seriate, phyllaries laxly imbricate, glabrous or nearly so, outermost oblong-oval, greenish, narrowly scarious margined, inner ones narrowly elliptic, broadly scarious margined, obtuse. Receptacle hemispherical, glabrous. Florets yellow, 48 – 52, all fertile; marginal florets 10-12, with narrowly tubular, glandulose, bidentate corolla; disc-florets 38-42, with cone-like, 5-toothed, glandular corolla. Cypselas oblong, finely longitudinally striate.
Fl. Per.: August-September.
Type: Described from Siberia (B-Willd).
Distribution: S. E. Europe, Central Asia, Russia, Mongolia, Chiina, Japan.