27. Carex flacca Schreb., Spic. Fl. Lips., App. no. 669. 1771; C.B.Clarke, l.c. 742; R.R.Stewart, l.c. 76; Kukkonen in Rech.f., l.c. 230.
C. glauca Scop., Fl. Carn., ed. 2, 2: 223. 1772.
Perennial, 30-45 cm, with long subterranean stolons. Rhizome long, brown to black brown, covered with prominently nerved scales 10-15 mm long. Stem obtusely trigonous to terete, usually papillose and sligthly scabrous above. Leaves c. 1/2 of stem length; sheaths 25-50 mm, strongly nerved, pale brown, sometimes with reddish tint, margin of scarious side concave; ligule up to 0.8 mm, brown; blades 2.5-5 mm wide, flat or slightly revolute, densely papillose below, margins and midvein scabrous towards long-acuminate apex. Inflorescence by 1-3 male spikes above and 1-3 female spikes below. Lowest bract equalling inflorescence, with sheath to 0.5 mm. Male spikes 15-40 mm, light to dark brown; male glumes c. 6 mm, obovate, obtuse. Female spikes 10-30 x 3-6 mm, lax, lower usually pedunclate; female glumes c. 3.7 x 1.2 mm, 3-nerved, brown, from acute to aristate, arista up to 0.5 mm; utricles 2-4 x 1-1.6 mm, ovoid, from smooth to hispid, papillose, brown, beak when present to 0.3 mm, cylindrical, truncate, ostiole with brown margin. Stigmas 3 (or sometimes ? 2). Nut c. 1.5-2.5 x 1-1.5 mm, including c. 0.3 mm style base, trigonous, greyish brown to brown, finely reticulate.
Type: Described from Germany.
Distribution: Most of Europe, N.W. Africa, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Caucasus, C. Iran and SW Pakistan. In NW parts of this area the species is represented by subsp. flacca and SE parts by subsp. serrulata.