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Pakistan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Epipactis

1. Epipactis gigantea Dougl. ex Hook., Fl. Bor. Amoric. 2:202. 15. 11. 1839. Renz, l.c. 44, pl. 15, 16. f.2.


  • Cephalanthera royleana (Regel) Boiss.
  • Epipactis royleana Lindl.
  • Helleborine royleana (Lindl.) Soo

    Plants up to 90 cm, sometimes in large clusters. Stem glabrous. Leaves membraneous, flat, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 15 cm long. Inflorescence loose, usually elongated up to 30 cm; rachis minutely pubescent. Lower bracts exceeding flowers. Flowers distant, spreading to pendent. Sepals green, veined with purple on outside, darker brownish-purple on the inside, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 20 mm long. Petals slightly shorter, broadly ovate. Labellum up to 23 mm long, tinged with brownish-purple, with large hypochile and narrowly ovate epichile. Column including anther up to 9 mm long. Ovary sparsely pubescent, after flowering enlarged.

    Fl. Per.: July.

    Type: N. W. America. “In the sub-alpine regions of Blue and Rocky mountains,” Douglas.

    Distribution: Himalaya Mts., eastwards to Nepal, Sikkim Bhutan; also in China and N. and Central America.

    Commonly found in marshy places, near springs and rivers.


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