6. Epipactis J. G. Zinn, Cat. Pl.Gott. 85. 1757. nom. cons.
Plants autotrophic, with rhizome and clustered roots. Stem leafy. Leaves sessile, flat or plicate, ovate to lanceolate. Inflorescence a loosely or densely many-flowered raceme. Flowers ± nodding. Sepals and petals spreading or ± campanulate. Labellum spurless, divided by deep constriction into apical cordate-ligulate epichile and basal, saccate hypochile. Column short; anther dorsal, erect or ± incumbent; pollinia 2, mealy, without caudicle; rostellum present or obsolete, with or without distinct viscidium; stigma subquadrate. Ovary with ± twisted pedicel. Ripe seed-capsule enlarged, pendent.
About 30, mainly Eurasiatic species. Also in mediterranean and eastern Africa, in Central and North America. 4 species are found in Pakistan.