Astragalus gracilipes Benth. ex Bunge, Astrag. 1:15. 1868. 2:17.1869; Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:122.1876; Ali in Biologia 7:29.1961.
Stem short or almost absent, pubescent, hairs white. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c.2.5-7.5 cm long; leaflets 9-13, c.6-10 mm long, oblong, entire, obtuse, an densely pubescent on both sides, hairs white; stipules minute. Inflorescence axillary pedunculate raceme; peduncle c. 5-10 cm long, pilose. Calyx c. 4-4.5 mm long, pubescent, teeth short. Corolla pale yellow. Vexillum c. 8-10 mm long, appendiculate, glabrous. Wings shorter than vexillum and keel still shorter. Fruit c. 1.5-1.7 cm long, c. 4-5 mm broad, abruptly curved near the tip, sessile, densely pubescent, hairs white, partly bilocular, septum extending only up to half the length of the fruit, 10-12-seeded.
Fl.Per.: April-June.
Holotype: Tibet occ., 10-14000 ft., Thomson (LE).
Distribution: Kashmir; Pakistan (Chitral, Baluchistan); India (N. Punjab).
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