Astragalus leucocephalus Grah. ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr. Bot. Himal. Mount. 198. 1835. Boissier, Fl.Or.2 241.1872; Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit. Ind.2:128.1876; Ali in Biologia 7:25.1961.
Stem caespitose, ascending c. 7-20 cm, densely tomentose. Leaves imparipinnately compound, c. 2.5-11 cm long, leaflets 21-41, c. 3-7 mm long, oblong, entire, obtuse or subacute, densely pubescent, hairs white, spreading; stipules foliaceous, adnate below the middle. Inflorescence pedunculate compact raceme; peduncle c. 5-15 cm long, white tomentose. Bracts lanceolate. Pedicel less than 1 mm long. Calyx c. 4-5 mm long, pubescent, hairs white, spreading. Corolla pale yellow. Vexillum c. 6-8 mm long. Keel shorter than vexillum and wing. Fruit c. 4-5 mm long, sessile, finely pubescent, unilocular, 3-4-seeded.
Fl.Per.: March June.
Lectotype: Rikeekes, Wallich 5923A (K).
Distribution: Pakistan (N.W.F. Province, Punjab) India (Kumaun, Punjab); Kashmir, Afghanistan.
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