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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Astragalus

Astragalus orbiculatus Ledebour, Fl.Alt. 3:311. 1831. Boiss., Fl.Or. 2:278. 1872; Gontscharov in Komarov,Fl. U.R.S.S. 12:113.1946; Ali in Kew Bull. 1958:309.1958; in Biologia 7:47.1961.

Perennial, 20-40 cm tall, branches villous. Leaves imparipinnately compound, 7-10-(18) cm long, petiole obsolete, rachis with spreading hairs; leaflets 13-23, c. 5-15 mm long, oval, entire, obtuse, sparsely pubescent above, densely pubescent below, hairs shaggy; stipules 6-15 mm long, ovate. Inflorescence an axillary, peduncled raceme, peduncle c. 2-4 cm long. Bract c. 8-12 mm long, pubescent; pedicel c. 1-2 mm long. Calyx c. 9-10 mm long, teeth c. (2.2)-4.5-5 mm. Corolla yellow. Vexillum c. 14-16 mm long, pubescent externally. Wing. c. 13-15 mm long, pubescent externally. Keel c. 9 mm long, glabrous. Fruit. c. 14-15 mm long, villous.

Fl.Per.: April-May.

Type: In desert of Soongoro-Kirghis, Ledebour (LE).

Distribution: Pakistan (N.W.F. Province).


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