Astragalus oxyglottis Steven in Bieberstein, Fl.Taur.-Cauc. 2:192. 1808. Boissier, Fl.Or.2:229.1872; Gontscharov in Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 12:308.1946; Chamberlain & Mathews in Davis. Fl. Turk. 3:64.1970; All in Kew Bull.28(2):299.1973.
Astragalus psiloglottis Stev.
Annual, ascending or erect, 3-15 cm tall, commonly branched from the base, stem white appressed-puberulent. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 2-8 cm long, petiole c. 0.7-3.0 cm long, petiole and rachis sparsely appressed-puberulent; leaflets 9-17, c. 5-12 mm long, oblong to obovate, entire, retuse, glabrous above, minutely pubescent below; stipules c. 2-3 mm long. Inflorescence a 3-6-flowered clusters on c. 1-4 cm long peduncle, sometimes flowers in 2s and 3s on the same peduncle. Bracts c. 1 mm long, white-pubescent. Calyx c. 2-3 mm long, black and white appressed hairy, teeth c. 0.5 mm long. Corolla whitish-pink or mauve. Vexillum c. 5-8 mm long. Wing c. 4-6 mm long. Keel c. 3-4 mm long. Fruit c. 10-12 mm long, c. 2-4 mm broad, in a stellate cluster, slightly curved, rugose, glabrescent.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Crimea in Tauriae Collibus, circa Sudak, Steven (LE).
Distribution: Syria, Iran, Turkey; S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia; Pakistan (Baluchistan).
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