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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Crotalaria

Crotalaria prostrata Rottl. in Willd., Enum.Hort.Berol. 744. 1809. Baker in Hook. f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:67.1876; Ali in Biologia 12:29.1966.

  • Crotalaria prostrata* Roxb. ex D.Don
  • Crotalaria prostrata** Roxb.

    Annual, 15-50 cm tall, branches pubescent, hairs silky. Leaf simple, c. 1.8-3.8 cm long, c. 10-20 mm broad, oblong or oblong-obovate, obtuse, oblique or subcordate at the base, pubescent on both sides, hairs silky, yellowish; sub-sessile; exstipulate. Inflorescence a 2-4-flowered raceme; peduncle longer than the leaf. Bract and bracteoles minute. Pedicel short. Calyx c. 3-4.5 mm long, densely pubescent, teeth linear. Corolla yellow, not exserted. Fruit c. 1.2-1.6 cm long, inflated, glabrous, 12-15-seeded.

    Fl. Per.: October-November.

    Type: ‘Habitat in India orientali’, Bottler (not seen).

    Distribution: Pakistan; India; Ceylon; Indonesia.


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