Crotalaria Linn., Sp.Pl. 714. 1753. Gen.Pl.ed.5.320.1754; Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.2:65.1876; Polhill in Kew Bull. 22:169.1968.
Herbs or shrubs. Leaf simple or palmately trifoliolate or rarely up to 7-foliolate, generally stipulate. Inflorescence a raceme, terminal or leaf opposed. Bracts and bracteoles small or absent. Calyx teeth linear, lanceolate, subequal, free or the upper 2 fused, forming a lip. Vexillum orbicular, rarely ovate. Wing shorter than the standard. Keel incurved, beaked. Stamens monadelphous, anthers dimorphic. Ovary generally sessile, 2-many ovuled, style incurved, bearded above, stigma small, rarely bilobed. Fruit sessile or stipitate, globose or linear-oblong, turgid or inflated, 2-many seeded, continuous within.
About 550 species, distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics, but most numerous in Tropical Africa; represented by 11 species in Pakistan.
List of lower taxa
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