Oxytropis cachemiriana Cambessedes in Jacquem., Voy.l'Ind. 38. t.44. 1844. Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:139.1876:Ali in Phyton 8:53.1959.
Oxytropis proboscides Bunge
Perennial herb. Root stock woody. Stem erect, internodes generally well differentiated, pilose, hairs black and white, spreading. Leaves stipulate, stipule encircling the stem, pilose, hairs white. Leaf imparipinnately compound ; c. 2.5-11.0 cm long, covered with long and spreading hairs; petiole c. 0.8-4.5 cm long, leaflets opposite, sessile, c. 4-13 mm long, c. 1-5 mm broad, elliptical, entire, acute, pilose on both sides, hairs spreading. Flowers in peduncled heads; peduncle c. 3.5-15 cm; bracts c. 6-8 mm long, pilose. Pedicel c. 1 mm long, pilose. Calyx c. 8-9 mm long, pilose, teeth c. 4-5 mm long. Vexillum c. 13-14 mm long. Fruit stipe c. 1 mm long, glabrous, fruit c. 11-13 mm long, tapering at both ends, pilose, hairs black and yellow.
Fl.Per.: May-September.
Type: Kashmir, 3500 m, Jacquemont (P-not seen, untraceable).
Distribution: Pakistan, Hazara; Kashmir; W.Tibet, 8000-17000 ft.
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