Oxytropis platonychia Bunge in Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb.Ser.7. 22 (1) :44. 1874. Fedtsch. & Vassilcz. in Komarov, Fl.URSS 13:53.1948; Ali in Phyton 11:104.1964.
Oxytropis kuhazensis Vass.
Perennial herb, root not seen, rhizome (underground) thin; aerial stem almost absent. Stipules leaf opposed, united, glabrous to pilose, tip acute. Leaf c. 2-3.5 cm long, petiole c. 8-25 mm long. Leaflets 8-18, sessile, c. 2-11 mm long, c. 1-3 mm broad, mostly elliptic, entire, acute, densely pilose on both sides, hairs long, spreading. Flowers in peduncled condensed raceme, 3-4-flowered; peduncle c. 2.0-4.0 cm; bract c. 3-4 mm, densely pilose; pedicel c. 2 mm, densely pilose, hairs white and black. Calyx c. 9-10 mm long, densely villous, hairs black and white, teeth c. 5 mm. Vexillum c. 14 mm long. Fruit stipe c. 4 mm long, body c. 17 mm long, c. 12-14 mm wide (in pressed condition), membranous, inflated, densely pilose, hairs white, spreading.
Fl.Per.: July-August.
Holotype: Habitat in regno Kokand prope Kotschi-alai et in jugo Dschiptyk in alpinis, Fedtschenko (LE).
Distribution: Pakistan (N.W.F. Province); Russia (Tien Shan, Pamir Alai).
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