6. Phyllanthus virgatus Forst. f., Fl. Ins. Austr. Prodr. 65. 1786.
Phyllanthus simplex Retz.Phyllanthus simplex var. virgatus (Forst. f.) Muell. Arg.
Similar to Phyllanthus maderaspatensis in overall habit, but with the leaves (in Pakistan) linear-lanceolate; in floral details, however, more closely approximating to Phyllanthus parvifolius, but with slightly longer fruiting pedicels (up to 7 mm) and greenish minutely granulate fruits, and with symmetrically segmentiform seeds covered with minute hemispherical tubercles.
Fl. & Fr. Period: October.
Holotype: Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean, Capt. Cook (Forster p. & f.) (BM).
Distribution: From Pakistan, Kashmir & India to Indo-China and S. China, and throughout Malesia to Polynesia. On grassy banks in pine-forest; 2200'/670 m. - 2500'/ 760 m.
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