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Pakistan | Family List | Rutaceae | Skimmia

Skimmia laureola (DC.) Sieb. & Zucc. ex Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. 5:405. 1846. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. l.c. 499; Collett, l.c. 78; Brandis, Ind. Trees, 116.1911; Bamber, Pl. Punj. 112.1916; Parker, l.c. 64; Coventry, Wild Fl. Kashm. 1:33.1923; Blatter, Beautiful Flow. Kashm. 1:76.1928; R.R. Stewart, Fl. Raw. Dist. 26.1957-58; R.R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. l.c. 439.

Vern.: Ner.

  • Limonia laureola DC.

    Glabrous evergreen shrub, up to 1 m tall. Leaves in terminal clusters, 65-90 x 25-35 mm, glabrous, glossy, oblanceolate to lanceolate, cuneate, acute to acuminate, gland dotted. Flowers subsessile, greenish-white. Calyx lobes 2.5-3 mm, oblong, obtuse, persistent. Petals white, 5 mm long, oblong. Filaments 5, about as long as the petals, glabrous, absent in female flower. Ovary ovoid, 2-5-locular. Fruit ovoid, c. 9 mm, bright red.

    Fl. Per.: April-Late June; Fr. Per.: June-September.

    Type: “In Nepaulia”, Wallich..

    A small strong-scented shrub, commonly growing gregariously in shady forest undergrowth. Common in the Hazara region, Murree Hills and Kashmir. The leaves are used in medicine and when crushed give a musky odour due to the presence of skimnianine which is poisonous.


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